What We Do

We are a distributor of industrial rubber products and manufacturer of custom gaskets and hose assemblies. We bridge the gap between the manufacturing companies that only sell through authorized distributors and the end customer. We have the ability to stock products in our warehouses for ongoing customer orders and to avoid possible long delays from the manufacturer.

We offer services that customize the products that we supply to your specific applications. With our experienced staff we are able to help the customer understand which products will best suit their needs. We know what questions to ask and we know where to search to find the right product for you.

We have a store located in our Columbus warehouse and can make hose assemblies while you wait to lessen the length of down times on the job site.

We provide you with high quality products and high quality service. If a current product does not meet your quality expectations we can troubleshoot its failures and determine how it might work better for your application and if not we will work with you to find a better product moving forward.

Our goal is for 100% customer satisfaction. We diligently strive to meet that goal by continuing to improve on our customer service and support. We want to make it easier for you to do business with us than with any other company.


Check out the Fournier Rubber & Supply Co. Digital Flipbook here.